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Monday, June 3, 2024

The Book of Immersion Volume 1 Strata 1 The Beginning (Purpose)


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The Book of Immersion

Volume 1

Strata 1

The Beginning


From Immersion the Musical

By Tale Teller Club

Lose yourself in the safety of books.

The Book of Immersion

Volume 1

Strata 1

The Beginning


By Tale Teller Club

It's Life Song Lyrics

You wake up in the morning

You don’t know where you are

You do a quick 360

Looks like you’re making art

You’re Caught in a bubble 

‘tween real and fake

You’re never really sure

Which ducker’s on the take

It’s just life my friend

But it’s the only one you get

It’s just life my friend

You only get one shot

So you get up off the floor

The sun is coming through

You get these freaky feelings

You don’t know what to do

You’d better watch your back

Cos bruises gonna hurt

It’s gonna take a while for you

To prove your worth.

We’re all in the dark

Just walking in the park

The more you try 

It just gets worse

The more you want

The deeper the curse

It’s just life my friend 

But it’s the only one you get

©2024 Sarnia de la Maré FRSA

Welcome to Immersion

You Have Reached Strata 1

What is your purpose here? What drives your desires and achievements? Is there a greater good you seek? Is there anything more important than yourself? You are but a fleck of dust within a universe you cannot control.

And yet, decisions you make today will affect everything around you in an unprecedented future. Your past actions, the very existence of you, have made a difference to the world. What is your past? Have you learned lessons? Are you controlled by unrecognisable forces or are you your own God?

Welcome to Immersion, may your journey go well.

Renyke's inner motors began to whirr.

He had put himself into voluntary shutdown during the dark-cycle in order to save power.

The position within the human household as a domestic servant had been more than suitable and had sustained him all of his life till now, albeit a short one in human years. He was around a decade old which was quite a long life for an android. New technologies and updates marked regular upgrades and there was little call for used 'droids'.

Now, here on the cold paved ground in the open air, Renyke could feel changes in his body and surroundings. There were unfamiliar sounds and an ever-present white noise from the activities of strangers in a cityscape he had not seen before.

An unrecognised sense of trepidation washed around him and occupied his thoughts. Renyke was not programmed to experience fear, the feeling must have been something else.

From the start of his operational cycle, Renyke had performed the necessary housekeeping duties within an interior domain. 

It was a twenty-four-hour installation that bound him by duty and programming to put humans first. To any human, until today, Renyke had been subordinate. 

Things had become difficult after the arrival of another android, a female version 12 named Ableteen, who was considered the fastest domestic to date, (this 6th day of the 11th Moonturn 2289).  

Ableteens were able to preserve battery power with a hybrid electro-solar panel on the back and shoulders. This worked well in the new modern glassed apartments of the suburban zones. These cutting-edge designer houses were maximising sunlight like never before in the new Midcast Housing Projects.

Some of the new apartments even came with the Ableteens installed and ready to help the occupiers enjoy the best life possible.

Renyke was not the only older domestic robotic servant to have had their contract abruptly terminated. Some were simply dismantled, some were thrown into crushers still working, and some were being recycled into experimental hybrids for illegal purposes.

Renyke noted that although he was now a vulnerable street-bot, he was spared a wasted end. Perhaps, now without enslavement, there would be new experiences. He had never cared before, after all, he was an emotionless droid. But today here in unfamiliar surroundings there was some sort of excitement. Something was calling him towards adventure.

All robots since 2050 had been installed with a clear-mode which enabled eco-friendly destruction. Parts had to be handed into the municipal facility to avoid issues with landfills and accidental hybrids. 

There was talk of an underclass of feral bots who were made out of parts from the old dumping grounds before the eco-legislation had been implemented. They say that some of these bots were made by the bots themselves; innards and parts that had communicated and joined forces across the debris of twisted metal and wires.

Mabel, the daughter from the family Renyke had worked for, had un-twinned him from the household appliances and deleted the software that had once meant he could never leave. 

Together they had upgraded his operating system with drivers available via an underground organisation called Redact.

Renyke had been created to blend in, in the midcasts, but Mabel had decided to mess him up a bit for a new life in the outer zones. Safety was in the camouflage of the ordinary.

Some robots had been designed to look aggressive, others looked like adult child hybrids who were designed as pleasure bots. Generally speaking, all robots found the open streets difficult. Artificial intelligence-led service androids were legally programmed to be submissive and they were picked on and abused in their short lifespan. Even strong exteriors would eventually break under such conditions.

The streets in the outer zones were crime-ridden. Since the pandemics, no law-abiding human citizen walked outside. For the most part, humans in the zones were there to partake in vice and black market trading. Androids were there to be used, abused and discarded.

Renyke's insides were a complex mass of wires and electrical paraphernalia that ran a well-balanced functioning machine.

But the outside world was alien and Renyke needed to explore it to become fully educated on the customs and the environment. He was programmed to learn. His algorithms had been set to gain an advantage in unchartered terrain by observing closely the details of situations. This was key to making robust decisions for survival. He also had a reliable and omniscient personal operating system to guide him.

Together, Mabel and Renyke had researched what they could but there were pockets of the outside world that had been effectively erased because of a system of cloaking. Areas beyond 

the midcast projects were cloaked in fake maps that even the most sophisticated satellites were unable to penetrate or decipher. Distances and information about the terrain were usually falsified.

The records had become unreliable because of the sabotage of information that had all been digitised after the warmings. 

It had become a confusing mass of fake news and blurred living memories. 

But after the tech wars with China and Russia, and the pandemics, there were so few old people left and memorial information was mostly unreliable.

Many myths prevailed. 

Inside the Midcast Projects, things were different, they were much more organised. 

Legislators and the executive had rectified the situation and made records of everything.

The government had recorded every human's iris print and DNA before they were born. It was a rule that any pregnant human, male or female, had to inform the legislators and they were scanned immediately. It was impossible to get through life in the Midcast Zones without being categorised and having all your data recorded for the rest of your life.

But beyond midcasts, here in the natural light, even the smells were unrecognisable.

It took just a few seconds to warm up and reboot.

The surroundings were scanned as Renyke checked the 360-degree orbital range from the silent detectors inside his POS.

He was fully charged and his battery life would last months.

Suddenly there was a warning....

Unknown Danger Approaching ...... Left Ground Level

Renyke engaged his internal antenna and watched a furry creature scurry past. His scanners perused the information app. 

The POS informed Renyke about the creature.

Rat, rodent, possible food source

Renyke engaged his arm extension and snatched the rat from the ground. 

He brought it close to his face and studied it, carefully analysing its properties.

To be continued…….

©2022-2024 Sarnia de la Mare

Tale Teller Club Publishing

From Immersion the Musical

By Tale Teller Club

Lose yourself in the safety of books.

AK47 Army camouflage, high heel shoe

The Tale Teller Club Official Podcast is called the iServalan Show and is available on iTunes, Spotify etc.
What is the Tale Teller Club? Band, Orchestra, Filmmaker, Podcaster, Set Designer, Author, Lyricist and Musician in no particular order

The Tale Teller Club is a captivating platform that weaves together art, literature, and music. Founded by British author, artist, and composer Sarnia de la Maré (also known as iServalan), it offers a multisensory experience for the cerebral cortex. Here are some features of the club:

  1. iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music.
  2. Tale Teller Club Academy of Arts: An online learning platform teaching skills such as drawing, dancing, and playing instruments.
  3. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays.
  4. Tale Teller Club Inked: A show spotlighting tattoo designs and techniques.
  5. Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies.

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12

Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube

Links to episodes of Immersion written and illustrated by Sarnia de la Maré FRSA, published by Tale Teller Club are below

New Video Books by CDM Orchestra Tale Teller Club, A Fusion of Moving Image and Musical Sensory Massage

#videobooks #taltellerbooks #iservalan #cdm #cerebraldancemusic 

The Tale Teller Club launched the video books project in 2024 to fuse its creative output across written and spoken word genres with its interest visual imaging and film. The videos are available across social media and on Lounges TV and YouTube.

Let’s delve deeper into the captivating world of the Tale Teller Club’s video books project. 📚🎥

The Tale Teller Club’s Video Books Project: A Fusion of Creativity

In 2024, the Tale Teller Club embarked on an ambitious endeavor—the video books project. This initiative aimed to seamlessly blend the club’s creative output from written and spoken word genres with its fascination for visual imaging and film. The result? A mesmerizing series of innovative creative arts productions that ignite the senses and tap directly into the cerebral cortex of viewers.

Cerebral Cortex Music (CDM): At the heart of this project lies a captivating musical component known as Cerebral Cortex Music (CDM). The Tale Teller Club composes and performs this unique genre. Unlike mainstream music, CDM dances to a different rhythm. Its beats are deliberate, slower than hard dance music, allowing space for emotional complexities and thought-provoking lyrics. It’s a departure from the predictable tunes found in popular music, inviting listeners to explore the depths of their own minds.

Weekly Premieres: The video books project unfolds through a series of weekly episodes. Each episode introduces a new chapter or stratum of the overarching narrative. These videos are not your typical linear storyboards; instead, they embrace abstraction. The focus shifts from mere plot progression to sensory perception. Viewers are invited to experience the stories through a kaleidoscope of visual elements, triggering emotions and sparking imagination.

Availability: The Tale Teller Club ensures widespread accessibility for its video books. You can find them across various social media platforms, as well as on Lounges TV and YouTube. Whether you’re a casual viewer or a dedicated fan, these multimedia creations are just a click away.

iServalan’s Artistry: Meet iServalan—an integral part of the Tale Teller Club. As a composer and artist, iServalan brings the video books to life. Through animation and digital processes, choreographies emerge for each episode. Influences from ballet and expressive movement infuse the visuals, creating a stylistic edge. Additionally, iServalan experiments with mutated portraiture techniques, adding an intriguing layer to the project.

In summary, the Tale Teller Club’s video books project transcends traditional storytelling. It invites us to explore the intersection of words, visuals, and music—a symphony for the senses and a feast for the mind.

Let’s delve deeper into the captivating world of the Tale Teller Club’s video books project. 📚🎥

The Tale Teller Club’s Video Books Project: A Fusion of Creativity

In 2024, the Tale Teller Club embarked on an ambitious endeavor—the video books project. This initiative aimed to seamlessly blend the club’s creative output from written and spoken word genres with its fascination for visual imaging and film. The result? A mesmerizing series of innovative creative arts productions that ignite the senses and tap directly into the cerebral cortex of viewers.

'CDM is a cerebral and sensory massage in musical form'.

Check out our music podcast here

Cerebral Dance Music (CDM): At the heart of this project lies a captivating musical component known as Cerebral Dance Music (CDM). The Tale Teller Club composes and performs this unique genre. Unlike mainstream music, CDM dances to a different rhythm. Its beats are deliberate, slower than hard dance music, allowing space for emotional complexities and thought-provoking lyrics. It’s a departure from the predictable tunes found in popular music, inviting listeners to explore the depths of their own minds.

Weekly Premieres: The video books project unfolds through a series of weekly episodes. Each episode introduces a new chapter or stratum of the overarching narrative. These videos are not your typical linear storyboards; instead, they embrace abstraction. The focus shifts from mere plot progression to sensory perception. Viewers are invited to experience the stories through a kaleidoscope of visual elements, triggering emotions and sparking imagination.

Availability: The Tale Teller Club ensures widespread accessibility for its video books. You can find them across various social media platforms, as well as on Lounges TV and YouTube. Whether you’re a casual viewer or a dedicated fan, these multimedia creations are just a click away.

iServalan’s Artistry: Meet iServalan—an integral part of the Tale Teller Club. As a composer and artist, iServalan brings the video books to life. Through animation and digital processes, choreographies emerge for each episode. Influences from ballet and expressive movement infuse the visuals, creating a stylistic edge. Additionally, iServalan experiments with mutated portraiture techniques, adding an intriguing layer to the project.

In summary, the Tale Teller Club’s video books project transcends traditional storytelling. It invites us to explore the intersection of words, visuals, and music—a symphony for the senses and a feast for the mind. 🌟🎨🎶

Visual imagery plays a pivotal role in enhancing the Cerebral Dance Music (CDM) experience. Let’s explore how:

Synesthetic Fusion: CDM aims to engage multiple senses simultaneously. Visuals complement the auditory experience, creating a synesthetic fusion.
When listeners see abstract animations, colors, or shapes synchronized with the music, their perception deepens. It’s as if the music paints vivid landscapes within their minds.

Emotional Resonance: Visuals evoke emotions. A melancholic melody paired with grayscale visuals might intensify feelings of nostalgia or introspection.
Conversely, vibrant visuals can uplift the listener during an upbeat CDM track. The interplay between sound and sight amplifies emotional impact.

Storytelling Beyond Lyrics: While CDM often features thought-provoking lyrics, visuals extend the storytelling canvas.
Abstract animations or symbolic imagery allow listeners to interpret the narrative in their own way. It’s like reading between the lines of a visual poem.

Immersive Concerts and Installations: Live CDM performances become immersive experiences. Visual projections on stage or large screens transport the audience.
Imagine a dimly lit venue where the music envelops you, and dynamic visuals dance in harmony. It’s more than a concert—it’s an artistic journey.

Music Videos and Online Platforms: CDM music videos transcend traditional formats. They’re not mere promotional tools; they’re integral to the music.
Online platforms like YouTube showcase CDM videos. Viewers can explore the intersection of sound and visuals at their own pace.

Personal Interpretation: Visuals in CDM allow for personal interpretation. What one person sees might differ from another’s perception.
This ambiguity invites listeners to engage actively, creating a unique connection with the music.

In summary, visual imagery enriches the CDM experience, making it more than just sound—it becomes an art form that resonates deeply within our minds and hearts. 🎨🎶✨

Check out some CDM Music by the Tale Teller Club over on our YouTube Channel 

AK47 Army camouflage, high heel shoe

The Tale Teller Club Official Podcast is called the iServalan Show and is available on iTunes, Spotify etc.
What is the Tale Teller Club? Band, Orchestra, Filmmaker, Podcaster, Set Designer, Author, Lyricist and Musician in no particular order

The Tale Teller Club is a captivating platform that weaves together art, literature, and music. Founded by British author, artist, and composer Sarnia de la Maré (also known as iServalan), it offers a multisensory experience for the cerebral cortex. Here are some features of the club:

  1. iServalan Show: A podcast covering topics like AI, culture, and music.
  2. Tale Teller Club Academy of Arts: An online learning platform teaching skills such as drawing, dancing, and playing instruments.
  3. Tale Teller Club Publishing: Produces and distributes audiobooks, ebooks, and short plays.
  4. Tale Teller Club Inked: A show spotlighting tattoo designs and techniques.
  5. Music Therapy: Based on the theory of Rife Healing Vibrations, exploring resonance therapies.

You can explore their enchanting world on their YouTube channel and Twitter🌟🎨📚🎶12

Animation Films by Tale Teller Club for the Book of Immersion Series are available on YouTube